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Seller Policy Pages

Okaybuysell Seller Policy Pages

Below are some of our guidelines that apply to all sellers, users and companies. Because here a seller and a buyer should not see a small choke. Rather, the main objective is to benefit everyone from here. Here someone will earn by selling products, someone will get commission by buying products and 99% trusted products. And if the seller fails to deliver 99% of the product, the seller's account will be cancelled. And all those who work here will follow one policy. I will not deceive anyone. I will not covet anyone unconditionally. I will review the product properly and then sell it. And since there is an option of return cash back for 1.5% of the general user, 1% will contact the customer service if they get a bad product. Or message the seller with a support ticket or contact Komani's helpline. In that case, the user has to save all the documents following the correct guidelines and policies.

I agree to follow all company rules.

I have read all the rules of the company and I can accept them.

You must join the company's YouTube, Facebook, Telegram social media. I have joined

I will not give anyone a bad product while selling the product. If I have given it, I will be obliged to take the return of the product

According to the rules of the company, if a seller sells a bad product to a user or customer at the rate of 1%, then the company can suspend the seller's account. In this case, the company is not bound to listen to any excuse of the seller. And I agree to accept this rule as a seller. And the company can take legal action against you.

The terms and conditions or policies given by the company are clearly written in the about or footer option of the company's website and I have read all the rules of the company properly before creating a seller account.

Rules must be followed to open a seller account and I opened/submitted the account after following/reading the rules.

I have read the terms and conditions correctly and want to open a seller account

I am applying the seller according to the reasons that the seller account may be suspended.

To join as a seller you cannot sell 1% and bad products in the company. If you do, the company will return the price of your product to the user or customer. If the user or buyer reports the product to the company, your seller account may be canceled or suspended.


As a seller in the company, I will not use any kind of pornographic pictures, videos, apps, websites, etc., and will not share such links. If I do then my account will be suspended.


Product background must be white. And there are no rules when it comes to videos. I will definitely upload the size of the product as stated



Uploading pornographic pictures or videos may subject the company to any legal action. So I will never do it

Keeping in mind that I will get profit from the company, I will share the company's website link on social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, Telegram, Twitter, Linkedin, Tiktok, etc. Because the more shares, the more customers I will get. And the more customers I get, the more profit I will make. And that's why I will always follow this active policy of the company, Inshallah.

I will not copy the description of the product from any company or website. I will give preference to my own description. If failed to create product description then learn how to organize product description with help of various social media

I Agree To Share These Website Link

I myself subscribe, like, comment and share on all social media of the company right now

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